Before I had kids I worked closely with multiple companies to develop products based on my pattern designs. I also have 10 years of experience working in educational publishing as an illustrator as well as graphic design experience.


Land of Nod - Square Fish - Shower Curtain

Land of Nod - Square Fish - Shower Curtain

Land of Nod - Flower Power - Nod Chair

Land of Nod - Junior Varsity - Bedding

Land of Nod - Junior Varsity - Pillow

Land of Nod - Dino - Bedding

Land of Nod - Zoo - Crib Bedding

Patterns: bottles

Patterns: fish




Codman Community Farm Signage

Land of Nod - Junior Varsity - Bedding

Land of Nod - Junior Varsity - Bedding

Land of Nod - Dino - Bedding

Land of Nod - Dino pillow

Land of Nod - Zoo - Crib Bedding

Patterns: insects

Patterns: zoo animals

Land of Nod wooden toy design